Key Qualifications

Examples of policy, management and science communication work

National marine management programmes and strategies:

Between June 2010 and February 2013 I was employed as a project manager in the Ecosystem Conservation and Resilience group at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) where duties included:

  • writing case studies and condition and trend reports for a range of elements of biodiversity for the GBR World Heritage strategic assessment, which focuses on developing strategic policies regarding current and future coastal developments in and around the GBR;
  • writing vulnerability assessments for the Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity Conservation Strategy;
  • providing input into the environmental risk assessment of the Queensland live coral fishery industry; and,
  • developing a strategy for an integrated inshore biodiversity program, which requires a good understanding of current legislation and policy related to marine park management.

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Crown of thorns control program.

During my last year at GBRMPA, I was responsible for the management of the research component under the Crown of thorns control program.

This included contract management, managing and implementing small and large scale field trials, including the first operational scale implementation of a new lethal injection control method, and assessing and providing input into research proposals and reports.

I provided input into the COTS response manual, the control site selection strategy and the collection and analysis of monitoring, control and coral cover data on affected reefs.

Government policy development and technical writing.

I provided scientific and technical input to the Strategic Assessment of the Great Barrier Reef and was the primary scientific author of two underpinning demonstration cases; Coral Reefs and Keppel Bay area management.

My input consisted of summarising the latest scientific literature on the condition and trend of matters of national environmental significance (MNES), including corals and coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass and seagrass beds, dugongs, dolphins and turtles within the marine national park. I also contributed to the assessment of the current condition and trend of all MNES within the marine national park.

Since leaving the Authority, I have been engaged as a consultant to respond to public and peer review comments on the Strategic Assessment and Program report as well as providing significant input into the final version of the assessment and program report. The final versions are now submitted.

I have also authored several of the vulnerability assessments (coral reefs, islands and mangroves) that support the Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity Strategy (2013). Furthermore, I have provided scientific input and editorial support to a majority of the other published VAs from this strategy.

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Research management.

I have been providing advice on the integration of genetic tools and scientific knowhow into marine parks management. I review and comment on a range of research proposals, including the GBRMPA science for management awards and grant proposals submitted to the International Foundation for Science

I am a former member of the Swedish development cooperation research council, which administers research grants to scientist in the Nordic countries focusing on research related to development cooperation in Third World countries.

I conceptualised, acquired funding for and implemented both my Ph.D. and post- doctoral research projects within stipulated time and budget frames.

International development cooperation projects.

I was a programme officer at the research branch of the Swedish international development cooperation agency (Sida) for two years.

During that time I was responsible for the supervision and organisation of Sida’s marine research co-operation in Africa, Asia and South America and for managing the restructuring of the regional marine research cooperation programme for the Western Indian Ocean, which included the establishment of the Marine Science for Management Grants programme administered by the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA).

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Science communication.

I have an ongoing contract with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to provide input into research proposals and help with the communication of science to managers and stakeholders and the translation of management needs into science.

Under this contract I have provided input into a successful Queensland Accelerate partnership application led by Prof Mark Ragan at the University of Queensland. The application related to the development of genetic markers for environmental stress adaptation in corals on the Great Barrier Reef. I have also authored a white paper regarding ways to incorporate genetic and genomic tools into the future management of the GBR

During my Ph.D. I developed several posters and presentations for national parks rangers and management staff in Kenya and Tanzania. I have published several popular science papers and communications and been involved in the development of educational tools for school aged children, for example the Microbe personality test

Relevant Publications

  • Lundgren, P., Ayling, A., Ayling, T., Page, C. and Doherty, P.D. (2013) Report from the operational-scale field trial of the new crown-of-thorns starfish control method (injection with Bile salts). National Environmental Research Facility Research publication
  • Lundgren, P. (2011) Genetics and genetic tools in coral reef management: a synthesis of current research and its application in the management of coral reefs, Research publication no.107, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • Berg, H., Francis, J. and Souter, P. (2002). Support to marine research for sustainable management of marine and coastal resources in the Indian Ocean. Ambio 31(7-8): 597-601.
  • Lundgren, P. (2001). Brådskande forskning kring döda koraller. Teknik & Vetenskap 17(4): 61.
  • Francis, J. and Lundgren, P. (2000). The marine science for management programme, MASMA: Building on past experiences and facing new challenges. Nordic Currents 23/24: 26-30.